Informatics and Digital Creation

Learning unplug activities

Learning computer science without computer ? Yes.

Here is the reference document :

One link will provide us with all what we need :

But let us start with

  • Videos tutorials : (use English subtitles) please take a look at these videos and depending on your interest, please choose, say one to three, look at same in details and
    • 1/ write your own “activity file” : with (1) didactic objectives (what are we going to learn), (2) concrete how-to (how can we realize it), (3) how to explain the concepts after the activity
    • 2/ please test it on “anyone” (e.g., your family, friends, kids you are in charge of) and report on 10 to 20 lines, how it has been realized, and what could be improved for the next time
  • Educational science article : please read and make “reading summary” of these two reference articles in order to be able to discuss the why and how of this paradigm, prepare a 180 second review of one of the two papers. [translation in progress]
  • Ressources marker place : now make your free shopping on : Please choose (or invent) a scenario where you will have to initiate kids or adults to computer science using such activities (e.g., a classroom, a meeting with parents who want to understand why so much hate with informatics regarding their kids:), an activity during a social party :), …), collect resources and prepare the session

We are going to propose a peer to peer evaluation of these productions