Digital Media, Tools, and Technology in Education
Welcome to the #CreaSmartEdtech introductory course on Digital Media, Tools, and Technology in Education.
allowing to initiate to EdTech and targeting teachers and any non-specialist involved or interested about education with digital tools.
Course Objectives
By completing this course, you will be able to:
- Identify the important components of a computer.
- Define the key concepts commonly used in informatics, such as algorithms, information coding, machine learning, etc.
- Illustrate how to use JavaScript with JSON data, formatting Web pages with HTML tags and CSS directives
- List the benefits and drawbacks of Adobe Captivate or Articulate Storyline as authoring tools
- Create a sample file using Adobe Captivate or Articulate Storyline
- Create an animation or a game using Scratch virtual programming environment.
This course will take approximately 6 hours to complete. We hope you enjoy this course and find it useful in your journey as an education technologist!
Course Outline
This course will comprise the following modules:
- Hardware and Software: How does a computer work?
- Introduction to Programming
- Popular authoring tools in e-learning
- The role of web and social networks in learning
- Demystifying AI, machine learning and deep learning
- Educational robotics – an introduction
- How AR and VR is being used to change the way we learn
Let’s Start : joining the course
Joining the course is free. Just follow the steps listed below to get started.
- Click here for a tutorial on how to register on the opencourses.univ-cotedazur.fr.
- Bookmark the course link https://opencourses.univ-cotedazur.fr/course/view.php?id=32
- When connected, enter the code « ax2vz3 » in the field « Code d’inscription » of the form
- If any trouble contact us on msc-edtech@univ-cotedazur.fr .
More : the complete MSc formation
If you are interested in the complete MSc course, please contact us on the #CreaSmartEdtech wbsite.
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