French version

Research and Uses around Poppy and Thymio robots
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

At a time when the digital sciences, computer science and robotics are in the school curriculum, there are many questions about the objectives and the implementation of activities to achieve them. Robotics is a privileged vehicle for the teaching of digital sciences, the Robotics and Education Colloquium, organized by Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, is an opportunity to exchange robotic activities for education, feedback (mainly oriented towards Poppy and Thymio), and innovations to come.
This 3rd edition of the colloquium will be held on Tuesday, July 18, 2017 in the afternoon, before the opening of the World Scratch 2017 Conference in Bordeaux from July 18 to 21. The colloquium is exceptionally shortened this year, with some presentations being integrated into the Scratch Conference itself. It consists of two stages: a series of quick talks followed by demos.
Presentations will be translated from French to English simultaneously (by an interpreter and headsets) if enough participants request it. If you wish to benefit from it, please mention it when you register.
We remind you that while the colloquium is free, registration remains nonetheless mandatory.
All colloquium participants are also invited to attend the Opening Night of the World Scratch 2017 Conference, which will be held at Cap Sciences, on the same day, without having to register.
The colloquium takes place at ENSEIRB-MATMECA, 1 avenue du Dr Albert Schweitzer, 33402 Talence. It is the same place as the Scratch Conference itself.
1:15PM-1:30PM |
Welcome, coffee, … |
1:30PM-2:10PM |
Opening of the colloquium
- Nicolas Roussel (director of Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest Research Center)
- Sabrina Caliaros (DANE of Académie de Bordeaux)
- Marc Chevalier (Cluster EdTech)
- Pierre-Yves Oudeyer (director of Inria Flowers Team)
2:10PM-2:20PM |
Inria BSO, Robotics and Education : IniRobot (Thymio) and Poppy Education (Poppy) projects : Didier Roy, Inria |
2:20PM-2:50PM |
Thymio: news, announces and experiments (talk completed by demos/stands)
Thymio et ScratchX, Thymio Challenge Pack, R2T2, VPL Mobile preview, Simulateur for Thymio, and feedbacks.
- Christophe Barraud, Mobsya president
- Francesco Mondada, EPFL professor of robotics
- Stéphane Magnenat, senior researcher ETH Zürich Game Technology Center
2:50PM-3:10PM |
Robotics on the extracurricular time
- Pessac : Adeline Sauvanet, director of education
- La Rochelle : Virginie Steiner, digital projects leader
3:10PM-3:30PM |
Poppy Education activities (talk completed by demos/stands)
- Activities, secondary schools, high schools, college experiments : Stéphanie Noirpoudre, Théo Segonds, Thibault Desprez, Inria
- Project « Poppy entre dans la danse » : Théo Segonds, Thibault Desprez, Inria
3:30PM-5:00PM |
Demonstrations and stands
- Poppy
- Poppy Education (Stéphanie Noirpoudre, Thibault Desprez, Théo Segonds, Flowers Team)
- High school activities: Highschool François Mauriac (Gilles Lassus,Youcef Bouchemoua, teachers, Bordeaux), Highschool Les Graves (Luc Vincent, teacher, Gradignan), Highschool Camille Julian (Christophe Casseau, teacher, Bordeaux)
- Higher education ENSAM (Jean-Luc Charles, professor ENSAM Bordeaux)
- Spectacle « Poppy Danse Shonen » (Thomas Peyruse, Manon Schnetzler, Sylvain Zwolinski, KONEXinc)
- Thymio
- Thymio Scratch et Thymio Challenge Pack (Christophe Barraud, Mobsya president)Bridge ScratchX – Thymio, demonstration of the beta version, Thymio Challenge Pack, demonstration of the kit and activities
- Thymio VPL Mobile preview and simulator for Thymio (senior researcher ETH Zürich Game Technology Center)
- Mission R2T2 ( Francesco Mondada, Professor of robotics, EPFL).
- R2T2 America and Caribean (Nathalie Méthélie, ESPE Martinique, Margarida Romero, Laval University, Nice University)
- Thymio Scratch at seconday school (Joël Rivet, teacher, Secondary and highschool Saint Genès, Bordeaux)
- Algothymio (Sébastien Menvielle, animator, Milkshake)
- Miscellaneous
- Robotics for education : news 2017 (Jérôme Laplace, Vanessa Mazzari, Génération Robots)
- Robus a kit for building and programming your animated objects (Pierre Rouanet, Gaëlle Lannuzel, Pollen Robotics). Robus is a modular robotic kit that can be interfaced natively with Scratch 3.0. Our goal is to bring the Scratch concepts to tangible objects to allow physical constructions to be easily animated. . Video :
- Projects “123 codez” tomes 1 (primary school) et 2 (secondary school) (Mathieu Hirtzig, Fondation la Main à la Pâte).
- Code-Décode Project (Catherine Rolland, Tralalère).
- Augmented Reality projects :
- VISTE (Anke Brock, Jérémy Albouys-Perrois, Potioc team, Inria) : VISTE is a European Erasmus+ project which aims at developping an innovative approach to improve spatial thinking of visually impaired children. As part of this project, Inria is developing an interactive map prototype that is based on augmented reality (PapARt technology) which allows visually impaired children to explore and construct a geographic map.
- PapARt (Jérémy Laviole, startup RealityTech). et
- National training system Classcode (Thierry Viéville, Sophie de Quatrebarbe, Martine Courbin, Inria).
- Projet CODESPACE – Space and Education : Pi, Scratch & Robots towards the stars (Alan McCullagh, ambassador and national coordinator coordinateur national de la Code Week et coordinateur sud pour Code Club France)
- Astro Pi – Project from the ESA & Raspberry Pi Foundation to send young people’s code to the ISS with the Pi & Sense HAT
- ARISS Pi – applications of the Raspberry Pi in Amateur Radio communications with ISS (mainly video links)
- Moonhack – worldwide challenge launched by Code Club Australia to get young people coding on the theme of lunar exploration using Scratch & Python
- Capturing the Dragon – with Poppy Ergo Jr, catch the Space X Dragon spacecraft – juste like the astronauts on board the ISS with the « Canadarm » (SRMS)
- Catrobat Project (Wolfgang Slany, project leader) : free and open project of voice recognition, speaking, sigh for a robot, with only a smartphone and the free mobile application Pocket Code (like Scratch, but on smartphone).
6PM |
Opening of the Scratch Conference at Cap Sciences |

